Easiest Average Grade Calculator Online to Find Grade Average


Weighted Average:
Additional Grade Needed:


Weighted Average:


Weighted Average:

Our easiest Average Grade Calculator simplifies the process of calculating your cumulative average across various assignments, quizzes, and exams. Designed for ease and efficiency, this tool helps students and educators quickly assess overall academic performance with precision.

How to find Average Grades?

MyGradeCalculator.online provides three versatile methods for calculating average grades, ensuring flexibility to accommodate diverse grading preferences:

1. Percentage: Ideal for those who grade assignments and exams directly as percentages, reflecting the proportion of correct answers or points achieved.

2. Letters: Suitable for educational systems that use letter grades (e.g., A, B, C) to represent a range of scores. Each letter grade is converted to its numerical equivalent based on a predefined scale before calculation.

3. Points: Designed for situations where grades are awarded as raw scores out of a possible maximum, allowing for direct comparison and aggregation.

Regardless of the chosen method, the foundational principle for calculating average grades remains consistent: the Weighted Average Formula. This formula ensures that each grade component contributes to the final average in proportion to its significance or weight, providing a fair and accurate reflection of overall performance:

\[ \text{Weighted Average} = \frac{\sum (\text{Grade Component} \times \text{Weight})}{\sum \text{Weights}} \]

This approach guarantees that whether you’re working with percentages, letter grades, or point scores, the calculated average will accurately represent your weighted performance across all assessed components.

1: How to find weighted average in Percentage method?

To calculate an average grade using the percentage method with grades and their corresponding weights, you follow a weighted average formula. This approach considers each grade’s significance or “weight” in the overall average, which is particularly useful when different assignments or tests have different levels of importance.

Formula for Weighted Average Grade:

\[ \text{Weighted Average} = \frac{\sum (\text{Grade}_i \times \text{Weight}_i)}{\sum \text{Weight}_i} \]

– \( \text{Grade}_i \) is the grade for the \( i^{th} \) item (expressed as a percentage).
– \( \text{Weight}_i \) is the weight for the \( i^{th} \) item (expressed as a percentage or a fraction of the total).

Steps to Calculate:

1. List each grade: Note down each grade you’ve received across all assignments, quizzes, and exams.

2. Determine weights: Assign a weight to each grade based on its importance. For example, a final exam might count for 30% of your total grade, while a regular assignment might only count for 10%.

3. Multiply grades by weights: For each item, multiply the grade by its corresponding weight.

4. Sum up the results: Add all the results from step 3 together.

5. Divide by the sum of weights: Take the sum from step 4 and divide it by the total of all the weights used.


If you have three grades: 90% (with a weight of 30%), 80% (with a weight of 20%), and 85% (with a weight of 50%), the calculation would be:

\[ \text{Weighted Average} = \frac{(90 \times 0.30) + (80 \times 0.20) + (85 \times 0.50)}{0.30 + 0.20 + 0.50} = 85.5\% \]

This formula ensures that each grade contributes to the final average in proportion to its importance, giving you a more accurate reflection of your performance across different types of assessments.

2: How to find weighted average in Letters method?

To find the weighted average using the letters method, you need to follow a systematic approach that involves converting letter grades to a numerical scale, applying weights to these numerical values, and then calculating the average. Here’s how to do it step by step:

1. Define a Numerical Scale for Letter Grades: Assign a numerical value to each letter grade based on your grading system. Commonly, schools use a scale like this:

– A = 90-100
– B = 80-89
– C = 70-79
– D = 60-69
– F = below 60

See full grading chart.

You can choose specific points within these ranges (e.g., the midpoint, lower bound, or upper bound) to represent each letter grade numerically.

2. Determine the Weights: Identify the weight of each graded component (e.g., assignments, exams, projects). Weights are usually expressed as a percentage of the total grade and reflect the importance of each component.

3. Convert Letter Grades to Numerical Values: Use the numerical scale you defined to convert each letter grade into a numerical value.

4. Calculate the Weighted Average: Multiply each numerical grade by its corresponding weight, sum up all these products, and then divide by the sum of the weights. The formula for the weighted average is:

\[ \text{Weighted Average} = \frac{\sum (\text{Numerical Grade} \times \text{Weight})}{\sum \text{Weights}} \]

Here, the sum is taken over all graded items.

5. Interpret the Result: The resulting weighted average is a number on the 100-point scale. You can then interpret this number according to your grading scale to determine the final letter grade, if needed.


Let’s assume you have the following grades and weights:

– Assignment 1: Grade B (choose 85 as the numerical value), Weight 20%
– Midterm Exam: Grade A (choose 95 as the numerical value), Weight 30%
– Final Exam: Grade A (choose 95 as the numerical value), Weight 50%

The weighted average would be calculated as:

\[ \text{Weighted Average} = \frac{(85 \times 0.20) + (95 \times 0.30) + (92 \times 0.50)}{0.20 + 0.30 + 0.50} = \frac{17 + 28.5 + 46}{1} = 93 \]

The weighted average grade is 93, which corresponds to an ‘A-‘ grade on the typical grading scale.

This method ensures that each component’s grade contributes appropriately to the final average, considering its assigned weight.

3: How to find weighted average in points method?

To calculate the weighted average using the points method, you follow a process that accounts for the total points earned in each assessment relative to the total points possible, and then weights these according to their importance in the overall grade. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. List Points Earned and Total Points Possible: For each graded component (like assignments, quizzes, exams), note the points you earned and the total points possible.

2. Determine the Weights: Identify the weight of each component. Weights are usually expressed as a percentage of the total grade and reflect the importance or impact of each component on the final grade.

3. Calculate the Proportion for Each Component: For each component, divide the points earned by the total points possible to get a proportion. This proportion represents your performance on that component on a scale from 0 to 1.

4. Apply Weights to the Proportions: Multiply the proportion for each component by its weight. This adjusts each component’s contribution to the final grade based on its importance.

5. Calculate the Weighted Average: Add all the weighted proportions together and then divide by the sum of the weights (which should add up to 1, or 100% if you’re using percentages). The formula for the weighted average is:

\[ \text{Weighted Average} = \frac{\sum (\text{Proportion} \times \text{Weight})}{\sum \text{Weights}} \]

Here, the sum is taken over all graded items.

6. Convert to Points or Percentage (if needed): The weighted average will give you a decimal number that represents your average performance across all components. You can multiply this by 100 to convert it to a percentage, or by the total points possible for the course to find out how many points you’ve earned on average.


Let’s say you have the following grades and weights for a course:

– Assignment 1: 86 points earned out of 100 possible, Weight 20%
– Midterm Exam: 183 points earned out of 200 possible, Weight 30%
– Final Exam: 270 points earned out of 300 possible, Weight 50%

First, calculate the proportion for each component:

– Assignment 1: \( \frac{86}{100} = 0.86 \)
– Midterm Exam: \( \frac{183}{200} = 0.915 \)
– Final Exam: \( \frac{270}{300} = 0.9 \)

Then, apply the weights and calculate the weighted average:

\[ \text{Weighted Average} = \frac{(0.86 \times 0.20) + (0.915 \times 0.30) + (0.9 \times 0.50)}{0.20 + 0.30 + 0.50} \]

\[ \text{Weighted Average} = \frac{0.172 + 0.2745 + 0.45}{1} = 0.8965 \]

If you want to convert this to a percentage, multiply by 100:

\[ 0.8965 \times 100 = 89.65\% \]

This means that, on average and accounting for the weight of each component, you scored 89.65% across all graded components in the course.

Who can use Average Grade Calculator?

An Average Grade Calculator can be used by:

  • Students: To track and plan their academic performance.
  • Teachers: To calculate and analyze student grades.
  • Parents: To monitor their child’s academic progress.
  • Academic Advisors: To guide students in their academic planning.
  • School Administrators: For curriculum assessment and resource allocation.
  • Tutors: To set and evaluate academic goals for students.


An Average Grade Calculator is a tool that computes the overall grade based on individual grades received in coursework, taking into account the weight of each component (assignments, exams, projects, etc.).

Students, teachers, parents, academic advisors, school administrators, and tutors can all benefit from using an Average Grade Calculator to track, analyze, and plan academic performance.

Students use it to estimate their current standing in a course, determine the impact of future assignments on their overall grade, and plan strategies to achieve their desired academic outcomes.

Yes, teachers can use it to calculate final grades, assess class performance, and evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching methods.

Parents can use it to understand their child’s academic performance and to help them plan their studies effectively.

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